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Following a strike by Hostess bakers in 2012, the executives behind soft and gooey loafs of Americana, the Twinkie, decided to close the doors...
Unsatisfied with her mission to ruin school lunches for kids around the nation, Michelle Obama has decided to take on a new endeavor to...
While Barack Obama pledged to fight hard to advance his agenda in his final year in office, the two-term president had decided to take...
Over the weekend, over forty men and women gathered to mourn the loss of sixty-three innocents who were gunned down by government henchmen. Did...
In between taking out the trash from their grandmother’s basement and fingering through stale bags of Cheetos, the pranksters on the online forum, 4chan,...
Given the recent killing of a protester in Oregon who eyewitnesses claim was shot in the face by federal agents while his hands in...
The group iMedia Ethics put out the following report on their annual award ceremony: The Republican and Democratic parties take the top prize from iMediaEthics’ eighth...
The New Jersey State Assembly passed a bill to raise the sales age for tobacco products to 21. This move follows Hawaii, which became...
One of the world’s first pop stars passed away this week. David Bowie, died at the age of 69 after a year-and-a-half battle with...
An armed group called the Pacific Patriots Network walked onto the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge that has been occupied by protesters led by Ammon...