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James “Mad Dog” Mattis, the esteemed Ex-Marine and current Secretary of Defense, is quite popular for his brutally honest quotes about war and also...
A group of undocumented students at Columbia University in New York City presented a list of demands to their Ivy League school. The group...
An Oregon bar decided to deal with matters in their own way. The bar called “Paydirt,”is supposedly paying big, over a note they have...
Professor Paul Griffiths, 61, who teaches Catholic theology at Duke Divinity School has resigned after facing action for calling an anti-racism program “intellectually flaccid.”...
A National Guard veteran John Irish claims that the Department of Veteran Affairs had, at one point, refused to pay for the removal of...
Fox News co-host Meghan McCain bashed feminist organizers behind the Women’s March on “Outnumbered,” and refused to support their cause; especially if they continue...
Martha Stewart faced outrage from conservative Americans after sharing a rather offensive image on social media. Just a couple of days ago, baking expert...
Bill Maher, host of HBO’s “Real Time” faced major backlash after he made a vulgar joke regarding President Trump and his daughter. Maher, while...
An investigation on “Dying to be a Martyr,” a lesson plan by PBS, indicated that the plan was in fact developed in New York...
North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un was called “a pretty smart cookie” by President Trump, during an interview on CBS News’ “Face The Nation”...