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In the most recently exposed Biden administration scheme to combat misinformation, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) colluded with a compromised Ukrainian intelligence agency...


The Biden administration will again delay enforcing a law requiring driver’s license security standards designed to avert another terrorist attack because it could cause “undue...


Last week the Supreme Court declared President Biden’s plan to cancel $430 billion in student loan repayments unconstitutional. The President’s  response was to immediately announce...



Since its founding in 1971 as an organization with the laudable mission of fighting the KKK and other white supremacy groups, the Southern Poverty...


Growing up in such far-flung locations as Baghdad, Iraq, Lima, Peru, and Tehran, Iran, did not present me and my five siblings with what...


A disturbing study released by Northwestern University says that American’s IQ has dropped for the first time in almost 100 years. They surveyed almost...



More than two decades after Islamic terrorists exploited the U.S. government’s inefficient system for tracking foreigners who overstay visas, the problem is only getting...


A surprisingly unanimous Supreme Court decision last week finally clipped the ever-expanding wings of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). For more than half a...


Joe Biden is hiding his shady business dealings abroad behind his National Archives. So we’ve filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) suit against...


Uncle Sam’s benevolent, prying eyes are everywhere, especially on matters concerning medicine and health. Now, a little-known federal bureaucracy, the U.S. Preventive Services Task...


President Biden’s prime time address to the nation on November 2nd, less than a week before today’s midterm election, was billed by the White...


Two decades after the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was created to protect the U.S. from another 9/11, the agency faces serious management and...
