Inmates released from the terrorist prison camp in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, have staked out sidewalk space in front of the U.S. embassy in Uruguay to demand taxpayer-funded reparations from the U.S. government for the time they spent behind bars according to Uruguayan officials.
Of the six former prisoners making the demand, three have decided to pitch tents and sleep out in front of the embassy located in Montevideo. The three men – two from Syria and a Tunisian – began their vigil this past weekend.
Currently, the former inmates receive a monthly stipend of about $600 a month from the Uruguay government but they claim the amount is not enough for them to subsist. As far as work is concerned, several of them have turned down job offers in recent months according to sources familiar with their situation.
With no deep pocket terrorist Islamic regimes funding an insurgency, one former detainee speaking for the group named Adel bin Muhammad El Ouerghi, said “We are not leaving until we speak with the ambassador,” according to the Buenos Aires Herald on Monday.
In a statement, the U.S. embassy confirmed that the former Gitmo inmates were camped outside the embassy grounds and urged them to seek an audience with the ambassador through proper channels. According to the statement:
“A group of ex-detainees from the Guantanamo Detention Center that have been in Uruguay for several months, recently appeared in front of the U.S. Embassy requesting a meeting with the head of the Embassy.”
“The Embassy is aware of this request and asks that all requests for meetings be made through the appropriate channels and during normal business hours…”
The former prisoners who spend several years in custody at the Gitmo facility for suspected ties to the terror group al Qaeda were released to Uruguay in an agreement the U.S. government made with the South American country.
J.D. Gordon, a former Pentagon spokesman for the western hemisphere said the demonstration has laid bare the problems caused by the Obama administration’s decision to release and disburse Gitmo prisoners throughout the globe clearly implying that the practice was damaging our international relationships. Gordon added:
“The bottom line is these guys went from terrorists to freeloaders”…“It’s amazing to even consider the fact they want essentially U.S. welfare”…“One of the great ironies is these guys don’t want to work. They think it’s beneath them.”
In almost an afterthought, Gordon added:
“Just to make this problem go away for now, it totally would not surprise me if they gave them a payout”…“These [former detainees] are terrorist prima donnas and I think the Obama administration might cave. They’d rather have this problem go away and just pay money, even though it’s taxpayer money.”