Big majority of voters think the Kavanaugh confirmation process is a disgrace, according to a new poll.
According to a new poll by Harvard/Harris, 69 percent of voters believe the process was “a national disgrace.” 55 percent blame Democrats for the sham hearing.
In addition, 75 percent of voters say that California Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein should have turned over the letter from Kavanaugh’s accuser, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, when she first received it–rather than holding it for, allegedly, political reasons.
The poll also indicates support for putting Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court: 60 percent of voters believe that, if no corroborating evidence is uncovered by the ongoing FBI investigation, Kavanaugh should be confirmed.
Other polls have demonstrated that the support for Kavanaugh is growing in states represented by vulnerable Democratic Senators… suggesting that, even as support for Kavanaugh remains controversial nationwide, Democrats could wind up losing big in November because of their tactics.