The Harvey Weinstein assault and harassment scandal has ballooned, to even include Weinstein’s own younger brother. Many politicians who have been recipients of the disgraced Hollywood mogul’s largess have scrambled to get rid of the dirty money they received.
This leaves the question of what the Clintons will do with the fortune that Weinstein has donated to them personally, politically, and through the Clinton Foundation. After Hillary’s pledged to consider returning some of Weinstein’s money, a move that was savagely criticized from both the right and the left, Bill and Chelsea are now having to answer for her.
Over the weekend, while at an event at Northeastern University, Bill and Chelsea Clinton aggressively and pointedly ignored questions showered upon them by journalists, demanding to know what they plan to do with the estimated quarter million dollars that Weinstein gave to the Clinton Foundation.
In the face of mobbing journalists, Chelsea Clinton remained stone-faced and silent, while Bill Clinton commanded his Secret Service detail to restrain the surging tide of journalists that met them.
Chelsea was asked, “Chelsea, will the foundation give back the donations from Harvey Weinstein? Do you plan to return the $100,000?”
As per the reporter, Chelsea “looked straight ahead and ignored the questions as she scurried through the side lot and ducked into her waiting black sedan.” While the security further blocked the reporter from asking her the questions again.
Though Hilary was not at the event, she has not hesitated to point out that Weinstein has been a long and faithful donor to both her, and numerous other democratic campaigns. She also vowed that she would remain personal friends with Harvey Weinstein.