The Washington Post is reporting this morning the new delegate math that shows Donald Trump entering the GOP convention 74 delegates short of the required majority.
The Post’s assumption is based that the billionaire will lose the Ohio primary.
While Trump will have far more delegates than any other candidate as they go into the convention, there will be 220 unpledged delegates in the event that Rubio and Kasich drop out of the race before the big event in July.
The unpledged delegates are the delegates who were won by candidates who dropped from the race.
There are also another three super delegates from each state (accounting for 7% of the delegate county), that, if unleashed could turn the convention into a free-for-all.
If Trump is able to take first place in Ohio against John Kasich (who has no path to win), the anti-establishment boat-rocker will be able to cleanly sweep the convention with a majority of delegates and emerge the GOP Nominee for 2016.
The latest poll in Ohio, conducted by Fox News, shows Donald Trump trailing Ohio Governor John Kasich by five points.