Mark Zuckerberg, the founder and CEO of social media giant, Facebook, took to his powerful account to support the “DREAM Act.” In a three-paragraph statement on Facebook, Zuckerberg encouraged his followers to, “stand with the Dreamers,” in support this Obama-era amnesty legislation.
“I stand with the Dreamers — the young people brought to our country by their parents,” Zuckerberg wrote. “Many have lived here as long as they can remember. Dreamers have a special love for this country because they can’t take living here for granted.”
He also included a link to a statement signed by other business leaders calling on Congress to protect “DREAMERs” in America.
Zuckerberg’s increasing interest on political matters have fueled speculation that he is setting himself up to run for President in 2016. The very public and very emotional plea for amnesty comes right after Zuckerberg hired one of Hillary Clinton’s top pollsters and chief strategists from her failed 2016 presidential campaign.
Additionally, for the past couple of months, Zuckerberg has been taking trips across middle America, sitting for a bizarre and widely mocked series of photo-ops, paired with awkward platitudes, extoling the quaint wholesomeness of the Midwest. These visits are part of a Zuckerberg project to visit all 50 states, in order to achieve a “broader perspective” about the nation.
Interestingly, Zuckerberg also took the time to interact with and respond to those that commented on his post. To some who agreed with his position, he encouraged them to, “stay optimistic and keep your faith.” And to others, he argued that, “these young people represent the future of our country and our economy.
As the CEO of the most powerful social media company the world has ever seen, at only 33, he has two years before he can legally run for President. However, his incredible intelligence, wealth, and technological prowess make him an obvious choice for Democrats looking to shake up their failed political formula.
Recently, Facebook, and many other tech companies such as Google and Twitter, have come under intense scrutiny over attempts to censor conservative voices, and anyone not in the Alt-Left.