The left is doing everything they can to stop Brett Kavanaugh, but what is the real reason behind the madness? So many different groups and people are speaking out about Trump’s pick for the Supreme Court that there has to be a deeper reason than Kavanaugh leans right.
What is causing Yale University to cancel some classes in order to accommodate a protest by law students?
Jimmy Kimmel said that if Kavanaugh is confirmed that he could compromise and cut off his “pesky penis”. Kimmel also made fun of Kavanaugh being a virgin.
So which one is it? Is he a virgin or a sexual predator?
I just…can’t. The side accusing Kavanaugh of unsubstantiated sexual abuse is now complaining he’s a prude. Make it stop.
— Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich) September 25, 2018
Why does the left hate Brett Kavanaugh so much? It isn’t that he was picked by Trump, although that doesn’t help.
The real reason why the left is so threaten by Kavanaough is because they think he will over turn Roe vs Wade and make abortions illegal.
People need to stop meeting with @SenatorCollins She’s looking for an excuse to confirm Kavanaugh & any woman who has so little regard for Roe v Wade deserves to be working the window at McDonalds.
— Jake’s Wife – Solon (@FeetCandy) September 25, 2018
Many people are saying it on twitter and it is the real reason why the left is so nervous.
If Kavanaugh is confirmed in spite of this, Roe v Wade will be overturned by five men, of whom two will have been nominated by a serial sexual assaulter and two will have been personally accused of sexual assault.
This is 2018. This is who we are as a country. Unless we stop it.
— Leah #StopKavanaugh Greenberg (@Leahgreenb) September 16, 2018
The left is so obsessed with having the ability to kill a baby inside the womb that they are willing to pull out all the stops to keep Kavanaugh from reaching the Supreme Court. That includes possible false accusations of sexual assault against a man with an impeccable record.