On Tuesday night, the President of the United States, Donald Trump delivered his address at the inaugural State of the Union. In his address, the POTUS vests his interest and called on Congress to pass the infrastructure bill that is worth at $1.5 trillion. Trump is hoping to breathe some life into one of his long-stalled campaign promises by bringing it into action once again.
When we talk about the President’s 2018 agenda, the rebuilding plan is one of the core aspects of it. As per the plan, the rebuilding plan is divided into two major goals. The government expects to rebuild the U.S. infrastructure while speeding up the permit approval process.
During his inaugural State of the Union address, President Trump stated, “I am asking both parties to come together to give us the safe, fast, reliable and modern infrastructure our economy needs and our people deserve. Tonight, I am calling on the Congress to produce a bill that generates at least $1.5 trillion for the new infrastructure investment we need.”
The opposition party believed that the plan Trump gave ‘lacked critical policy details.’ According to them, there were no plans given by President Trump to tell how the White House will pay for the infrastructure rebuilding plan and areas where the money will be spent.
Regardless, President Trump efficiently used the platform to sell the idea of national rebuilding program to the lawmakers and public. This is the same plan for which Trump has been calling since his 2016 campaign.
In the initial plan, the President promised to rebuild major airports, bridges, roads, and other public works of the United States ‘within his first 100 days in the office.’ However, this plan took a toll, as GOP prioritized taking care of health care and taxes first.
Since then, the administration has continuously missed on deadlines to transform Trump’s vision into reality. Following the inaugural State of the Union address last night, it is expected that advanced details regarding the plan would surface in the coming weeks. The entire rebuilding plan might cost the government $1.7 trillion.
Sources suggest that Trump will be looking to raise the infrastructure investment to $1 trillion with $200 billion federal funding. “Every federal dollar should be leveraged by partnering with state and local governments and, where appropriate, tapping into private sector investment to permanently fix the infrastructure deficit,” Trump added.