Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) appeared on CNN’s “State of the Union with Jake Tapper”—where she admitted that she’s a hypocrite for criticizing Donald Trump, while not criticizing Barack Obama for doing the same thing.
In response to Feinstein’s criticism of Trump over immigration, Tapper demanded to know: where was “all this activism during the Obama years”?
Feinstein responded by admitting that, well, she didn’t really care when it was a Democrat cracking down on immigration.
“Candidly, I didn’t really know enough about it at that time to focus on it,” Feinstein replied—without specifying how she, as the Senator from a state with the bulk of the nation’s legal and illegal immigrants, could have been clueless on the issue.
“I do know enough about it now,” Feinstein continued. “We have had a hearing in the Judiciary Committee. We did have testimony.”
“I find it just inhumane, callous, and something I never thought my country would do,” Feinstein added. “So, it is very worrisome, and we have got to stop it.”
Feinstein is the first powerful liberal to admit her hypocrisy so explicitly… but she’s not the first to be accused of it.
Last month, a number of top liberal pundits and politicians were criticized for slamming Trump over a startling photo of illegal immigrant children held in kennel-like cages… only to find out the photo was taken in 2014, during the Obama Administration.