The first open and public hearing of the ‘sonic attacks of Cuba’ would be taking place on Tuesday. Senator Marco Rubio would be holding the hearing that would discuss the mysterious attacks that had caused fatalities and injuries to U.S. Personnel and U.S. Diplomats in Cuba.
The Foreign Relations Committee of the Senate is holding this hearing and it was originally scheduled for November 15th last year but was postponed without any reasons.
The hearing would see three of the state department officials appear for the trial, the acting assistant secretary for the Western Hemisphere – Francisco Palmieri, Todd Brown, the diplomatic security assistant director of the international programs and the medical director of the Bureau of Medical Services – Charles Rosenfarb.
The Attacks on the U.S. diplomats in Cuba were first disclosed in the month of August by the State Department. The attacks had occurred in Havana and as per the state department, the attacks took place in the fall of the year 2016 and some in August 2017. The number of the victims rose ever since the State declared the attacks to 24 and is still unable to be specific about what sort of weapon was used for the attack, or who triggered the attack.
The Government sources of the U.S. have been of the view that some sonic device had caused the diplomats and other of the U.S. Personnel to suffer from hearing loss, headaches, dizziness and some other cognitive problems.
Rubio had been actively responding on Twitter as well, just last Sunday he used his Twitter to respond to the Senator Jeff Flake, who has always been a supporter of keeping good terms with Cuba, and said that he had witnessed no evidence that American diplomats and their ailments were caused by any attacks.
“It’s a documented FACT that 24 U.S. government officials and spouses were victims of some sort of sophisticated attack with stationed in Havana,” Rubio said on his Twitter account.
“Any U.S. official briefed on matter knows full well that while method of attack still in question, that attacks & injuries occurred isn’t,” he added.
Jeff, on Saturday, said that he had a meeting with a Cuban official and went on to attend classified briefings from the U.S. officials but has still witnessed no evidence that the health symptoms were results of an attack.
Flake further added that the Cuban officials said in a meeting on Friday that, “the FBI, after completing four trips to Cuba, found no evidence that the illnesses suffered by U.S. diplomats is a result of attacks.”
Foreign relations with Cuba are a bit complex as of now, with Trump tightening restriction on both, travel and trade, with the Island nation since June and rolling back some of the Obama-era efforts to maintain good relations.