A real descendent of Pocahontas is demanding that Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) take a DNA test to prove her widely-discredited claims of Native American ancestry.
Debbie White Dove Porreco, who claims to trace her lineage back to Pocahontas and her English husband John Rolfe, also took offense with Warren claiming that President Trump used “Pocahontas” as a racial slur when he criticized her ancestry claims.
Appearing on Tucker Carlson’s show on Fox News, Porreco said, “I don’t know… how she’s saying ‘Pocahontas’ is a racial slur. Pocahontas is a real person.”
She also added, “I respect Senator Warren as a U.S. senator, but I just wish she’d take the DNA test. And If she took the DNA test, then that would end a lot of this controversy. And If she was part American-Indian, I’d be the first one to welcome her into our heritage.”
Carlson agreed, saying, “Amen. Maybe she’s related to Pocahontas, too; I mean, weird things have happened. Why do you think she won’t take the DNA test? It doesn’t cost much.”
“I know; I know. Maybe she’s afraid she’s not,” replied Porreco. “It’s not right; it’s offensive that she doesn’t take it, but you can’t make somebody take something if they don’t want to.”
“Of course you can’t. But if she were here, you’d encourage her to take the DNA test?” Carlson asked.
“Oh, yes,” said Porreco. “Yes, I would.”