Former Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.)–one of Trump’s fiercest critics in the Republican Party–wants to join the mainstream media.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, Flake apparently visited CBS’ Manhattan office, to discuss a new career as a political pundit.
The Hollywood Reporter wrote:
Flake could serve in the standard role for ex-politicians as an on-air contributor — or as something more, according to knowledgeable sources.
His future in television has been rumored for a while now, ever since he announced in the fall of 2017 that he would not seek re-election.
Apparently, President Trump saw Flake’s anti-Trump posturing as an early audition for a TV gig: Trump apparently predicted that Flake will “probably go to work for CNN, that’s my prediction,” during a cabinet meeting earlier this week.
Flake has not yet publicly commented on whether or not he will join CBS News.