A liberal group, backed by President Obama, has given $500,000 to the Virginia Democratic candidate for governor, Ralph Northam. While there is nothing strange about big money politics these days, the name and mission of the group should be of great concern.
The half million-dollar donation was from an Obama backed group called, The National Democratic Redistricting Committee (NRDC) was founded in 2016 by former Attorney General Eric Holder to gerrymander districts for the Democratic party. Gerrymandering refers to the practice of drawing out congressional districts in such a way that the population living within can be counted on to always vote for a single party.
Shockingly the NRDC does not hide their gerrymandering ambitions, as their goal is to, “[enact] a comprehensive, multi-cycle Democratic Party redistricting strategy over the next 5 years and beyond.”
These deep-pocketed democrats are seeking to impact the 2021 redistricting process, “when states redraw their Congressional and state legislative lines.”
On August 29th, the NRDC gave democratic candidate, Northam, a massive donation, and one of the largest that the group has ever made to a political candidate. In wading into the Virginia gubernatorial election, the NDRC’s electoral goals are to, “coordinate and support state-based electoral work led by the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee, Democratic Governors Association, while supporting other key down-ballot races with redistricting implications.”
The Obama-linked group also appeared at the Democracy Alliance network’s spring investment conference and the donor summit too, this past March. Ward appeared on a panel to discuss how liberal groups were “aligning their national plans with one another and in partnership with state donor alliances.” While major liberal players are throwing in millions into the Virginia race.
Although it is not surprising that Democrats are engaged in such blatantly undemocratic corruption, it is shocking that they are doing it so out in the open, and with such little attempt to hide their intentions.