On Monday, Rush Limbaugh shared a theory that former President Barack Obama may have chosen not to do anything about Russia’s alleged meddling in the 2016 US presidential elections for a very peculiar reason: he simply didn’t want Hillary Clinton to become the president.
“People had that theory bandied about before the election,” Rush said, while talking on his radio show.
Limbaugh explained his theory step by step, talking about how the former president’s decision to not take any action may have impacted the elections.
“Bottom line, Obama hears about all of these efforts and the brave struggle to contain it begins, and Obama meets with experts and advisers. They advise him what to do. Obama gives his own counsel,” Limbaugh explained. “At the end of it all Obama decided to do nothing other than call Putin and say ‘cut it out,’ an act of bravery and courage unlike most other in American history. And after telling Putin to cut it out, he then confronted Putin again in China and said, ‘Stop it or else.’ Putin and the Russians quaking away, cowering in laughter at the bravery and courage of Barack Hussein O.”
According to Limbaugh, the Obama administration had a very good idea of what was going on with the alleged Russian interference, from August to November of last year. However, he did absolutely nothing to stop it.
Limbaugh furthered his talk, “Obama didn’t choke. He thought Hillary was gonna win! Trump’s exactly right about this. He thought Hillary was gonna win.”
He later added, “Folks, let’s play this out: what if there is another possibility here explaining why Obama didn’t do anything?”
“What if, as the story says, Putin was trying to elect Trump — again, I, on the record think this is bogus, but that’s what the story said — what if Obama knew Putin was trying to elect Trump and didn’t do anything to stop the Russians because he really didn’t want Hillary to win?”
He then said, “This story says Obama was scared to death it could be done, worried very seriously it was being done and decided to do nothing about it. So people are livid at Obama on the left, and that’s gonna be a larger theme going forward as this massive story gets digested by more and more people. But as it gets digested and as more and more people read it and absorb it, it’s going to also be seen for what it is: a giant, big batch of nothing where Trump is concerned. Big batch of nothing.”