At the beginning of the year, President Obama announced several executive actions on gun control.
For those familiar with gun laws, the actions were meaningless and simply a dog-and-pony show for the anti-gun public.
What Obama mainly did was declare that laws already on the books would be enforced.
Obama did however make it easier to apply for the really fun stuff such as fully automatic weapons, short-barreled rifles and suppressors by eliminating the need for a local, chief law enforcement officer to sign off on the application.
However, it is not more difficult to obtain those same weapons and accessories through a family trust – which was always the easy route.
Nevertheless, legal gadfly Larry Klayman threw down a lawsuit in federal court on Tuesday through is organization, Freedom Watch.
The group stated in a press release:
The lawsuit alleges Obama does not have legal authority to redefine laws enacted by Congress. Obama has ordered ATF to redefine, in its enforcement activities, who is a “dealer” in firearms “engaged in the business of selling firearms.” The change of interpretation now sweeps up persons who do not seek to earn a livelihood or make a profit, who buy or sell as few as one or two guns a year. Worse, the new rules are so vague and subjective that Klayman challenges them as “void for vagueness.” Being treated as a dealer now creates the obligation to conduct background checks for those sales.
Similarly, Klayman said, “Obama is changing under such background checks a person prohibited from buying a gun from one formally adjudicated by a court of law to be mentally incompetent to anyone who – vaguely – has a mental health ‘issue.’ Thus, the due process protection of a court ruling is being lost. Obama ordered the Social Security Administration to report to the firearm background check database people on disability payments for reasons that may indicate ‘issues’ of mental health. Obama is working to require doctors to report those with (poorly defined) issues. Everyone living in same household may lose right to possess a gun.”