There is a blue wave brewing and ready to break on the mid-term elections coming this November and could completely change the tide in the house and senate. It could forever erode president’s Trump’s power and his job security. The blue wave is brewing and it is looks like it is getting stronger.
Trump and his strong conservative base are going red no matter what. The problem for the Republicans is that that number is getting smaller while the Democrats seem to be pulling in a vibrant young generation of Trump haters.
The approvals rating for Trump are down to 44% while 54% of likely voters disapprove of his performance. Trump’s rating hit a high for the year in April at 49%. The slide is coming at a bad time.
The Rasmussen results also show that many of the voters polled think that the mid-term voting is a chance to get Trump impeached, more than an opportunity to elect good local candidates.
Commenting on Trump’s impeachment, Chuck Schumer said, “the sooner the better.” There is a big call from the left to impeach Trump and that seems to be all they are worried about… and it is working.
In August, Trump saw his former campaign manager and lawyer convicted of financial crimes. The Hill describes the tough month that took a toll on the approval rating and emboldened the left. It wasn’t until last month that the blue wave had any real momentum, but now it growing.
The future of House and Senate are up for grabs and it seems that President Trump is the only one that can rally the right. If he has any good tricks up his sleeve, now is the time to start playing them. He needs to stop the momentum of the blue wave.
After all, if the Democrats win majority in the Senate and the House, then it is almost guaranteed that Trump will be impeached.
What do you think? Do you think the wave is growing? Can Trump stop it? Let us know in the comments below.