Writer and journalist, Denise McAllister is forced to go into hiding for speaking up against abortion on Twitter.
DC McAllister is a contributor to PJ Media, a regular guest on Fox News and has a new book coming out called “spygate.”
The conservative woman spoke out against abortion on Twitter and things got ugly.
At the root of #abortion hysteria is women’s unhinged desire for irresponsible sex. Sex is their god. Abortion is their sacrament. It’s abhorrent as women have flung themselves from the heights of being the world’s civilizing force to the muck and mire of dehumanizing depravity.
— DC McAllister (@McAllisterDen) September 6, 2018
As if she was prophetic, the “muck and mire of dehumanizing depravity” started attacking on Twitter shortly after the tweet was posted.
When you out yourself as a misogynist and that it’s really not about the pregnancy but about women having sex and the freedom to have sex, in the same manner as men have had since the beginning of time.
— tina morphis 📰🖊️ (@TinaMorphis) September 7, 2018
The comments got a lot worse and then the private messages started flowing. McAllister started receiving death threats and people claiming they were going to rape her.
I am facing legit death & rape threats because I have dared to call out women who are hysterical about abortion and to challenge them to be responsible and not to elevate sex to the point that they’re willing to kill human life to avoid their responsibilities. How sick is that?
— DC McAllister (@McAllisterDen) September 9, 2018
The threats and danger to her and her family have escalated. Things have gotten so bad that McAllister had to go to the police. Now her home is on “police watch.”
I have worked with the police. My home is now on police watch. https://t.co/iPkpHlds8t
— DC McAllister (@McAllisterDen) September 11, 2018
One woman spoke up and condemned the killing of innocent human lives and is viciously attacked on Twitter with death threat being messaged to her privately. There is a war going on, and it isn’t in the Middle East. It is happening right here in America and Twitter is a battleground. The war for the soul of America is raging.
What are your thoughts? Should she have to go into hiding?
Let us know in the comments below.