More information has come to light in Project Veritas’ bombshell Facebook insider story with regard to comment suppression.
After two Facebook Insiders leaked internal documents showing a plan to demote “vaccine hesitancy” (VH) comments – They also revealed certain content is ranked through a “tier” system.
Tiers 1 and 2, which were featured in PV’s previous story, dealt with “alarmism and criticism” and “indirect discouragement.” Tier 3 is even more subtle and seeks to police “objections and skepticism” to the coronavirus vaccine.

Tier 3 level comments are also described as being “Objections & Skepticism: Personal choice & beliefs, Objections & Skepticism: Institutions & development” and “Other Vaccine Discussion & Debate.”

Personal objections or skepticism about the vaccine can be someone posting a similar message to: “I’m not sure I want to vaccinate.”
Even a user expressing something as simple as “general concerns about others vaccinating,” would be cause enough for Facebook to regulate the comment through “filtering.”

Expressing concern “about being pressured to vaccinate by a vaccine registry” or the subject of “vaccine passports” also ranks comments as Tier 3 “Vaccine Hesitancy,” to be “filtered” by Facebook.

Tier 4 posts are described as “neutral” remarks and has the words “no action” listed next to it. Whereas with a Tier 1 comment, the action listed reads in part, “Demote, Reduce in Search.”