The hate for Trump is real. There are many on the left that just hate and despise everything our president does and things are getting weird.
Mark Dice, independent political commentator, used his popular YouTube channel to post a video that highlights how the left is becoming unhinged. From a beer boycott to attacking one of their own, the left is truly political theater and it’s weird.
In an interview with NBC News, the CEO of Twitter was pushed by Lestor Holt to possibly suspend Trump’s account for calling Omarosa a “dog”. Was it really that bad or does Lester just want to ban Trump from Twitter?
See full interview below.
Then there is Maxine Waters who will say anything she can think of against Trump. Almost anything she says is weird.
Trump derangement syndrome might be a real thing.
The real question is, will all the weirdness push voters to the right or will it get more people to get out and vote for them in the November?
What do you think? Let us know in the comments below.