CNN stooped to a new low when during a discussion about Kanye West’s lunch with President Trump, one guest calls the artist a “negro” who doesn’t read.
A woman on the panel calls West an “attention whore” like the president and wants to trade Kanye in the “racial draft”. She continues and calls West the “token negro” of the Trump administration.
See the clip below.
The liberals on the panel also attacked Kanye West’s mental stability all while the lone white guy sat silent and the host, Don Lemon, just laughing away.
Don Lemon has done segments on how Trump is racist, but then laughs and encourages racism on his own show.
The reaction from Twitter has been largely supportive of Kanye.
The Imam of Peach made a strong point.
CNN: It’s okay to bring a black person on TV to call Kanye West a “token negro”, but it’s NOT okay for a reformist Muslim to call Islamic terrorists terrorists.
— Imam of Peace (@Imamofpeace) October 10, 2018
Famed journalist, Glenn Greenwald spoke about CNN’s “weaponizing of mental” health.
What makes CNN’s weaponizing of mental health treatment against Kanye West extra repulsive: a mere 4 months ago, the suicide of their own colleague, Anthony Bourdain, followed by Kate Spade’s, sparked a national discussion about the dangers of this stigma
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) October 11, 2018
Donald Trump Jr. came to the defense of Kanye West.
Kanye dares to think for himself so @CNN commentators mock him, saying Kanye (a wildly successful businessman) “is what happens when negros don’t read.” At some point you have to ask, why is free thought & expression so dangerous & scary to liberals? 🤔
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) October 10, 2018
CNN fired up Terrence K. Williams.
These hateful people on CNN called Kanye West a “Dumb Negro” and a “Token Negro”.
He said Supporting Trump is what happens when blacks don’t read.
CNN allowed this kind of language and Don Dirty Lemonade laughed!
— Terrence K. Williams (@w_terrence) October 10, 2018
By Terrence’s remarks, it is clear that CNN may have lost a lot of credibility in the black community. This segment backfired on the liberal news outlet, and could have a damaging effect for the Democrats during the midterms.
What are your thoughts on CNN’s comments about Kanye West?