
Trump’s Hispanic Approval Surges

Who saw this one coming?

In just one month, Trump’s approval among Hispanics has shot up 10 points.

A Harvard/Harris poll released exclusively to The Hill showed the surprising surge in support for Trump, even after a week of bad press about the separation of children from their parents along the border.

According to The Hill:

President Trump’s approval rating has ticked up to 47 percent in the new Harvard CAPS/Harris poll released exclusively to The Hill, a 2 point hike from last month.

Trump’s approval rating was lifted in part by a 10 point climb among Hispanic voters. His approval rating rose by 6 points among Republicans and by 4 points among Democrats compared to last month’s poll. According to the same poll, Trump’s approval rating reached its highest point last year, at 49 percent.

Trump’s approval has continued to climb in recent weeks—thanks, in part, due to overwhelming support for Trump’s economic agenda and a number of big foreign policy wins on hot button issues like North Korea.

Trump’s approval rating is among the highest among recent presidents at this point of their second year—suggesting that the so-called “Blue Wave” of Democratic victories in November could be muted.


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