The outdoor outfitter, Patagonia is choosing to “#Resist” Trump’s most recent executive order with a new line of clothing. The company is upset with Trump’s reversal of the massive national monument land grabs that the Obama Administration made in the final hours of the Obama Presidency.
Patagonia is claiming that this swift policy reversal amounts to Trump “stealing” land that should rightfully belong to the federal government. Of course, the leftist position is to take the side of more government control, typical.
The campaign shows a customer, who is deciding on a pair of yoga pants that reads $79, when he is bombarded with political messages opposing Trump’s executive order. A black Placard reads “The president stole your land,” and further encourages to take a stand against the Interior Department’s rule to revers 2 Obama declarations of federal monuments, but create 3 new ones.
One of such monuments is in Utah, called Bears Ears. It was made by former President Barack Obama, who had seized 1.35 million acres of land on December 28th last year. Similarly, the Former President had designated such land with the numbers reaching twice as much as any of the other Presidents did combined.
Ever since the decision of the Secretary of the Interior, Ryan Zinke, to reverse these federal land grabs to a more reasonable 20,1876 acres, the clothing store, Patagonia, has increased the intensity of their political opposition to Trump. Another similar piece, the Grand Staircase Escalante, designated by Former President Bill Clinton has been reduced as well.
“In an illegal move, the president just reduced the size of Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monuments,” Patagonia stated on its website. “This is the largest elimination of protected land in American history.”
The claim of selling of land after being reduced holds no truth, as Patagonia believes would eventually happen under the federal control. On the contrary, the federal land would remain to be federal government’s property and just the size of the monument along with the strict restrictions imposed by the federal government on the land would be lifted.
“History shows that when the federal government grants, sells or otherwise gifts federal land to states, 70 percent of the land is sold to private interests, jeopardizing public access,” Patagonia said. “States have different rules for land management, and private lands are often not accessible to the general public, meaning the transfer of federal lands to private hands could impact outdoor activity and access.”
Whereas the Department of Interior says that, “This is not true. The Secretary adamantly opposes the wholesale sale or transfer of public lands. “The Antiquities Act only allows federal land to be reserved as a national monument,” the department continued. “Therefore, if any monument is reduced, the land would remain federally owned and would be managed by the appropriate federal land management agency, such as the BLM, U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, or the National Park Service (NPS).”
Another such post by Patagonia claims that Trump “revoked two national monuments.” However, in originality, the monuments were not canceled, but simply cut down. The Grand Staircase-Escalante was cut down by a rough 800,000 acres. Similar to the proposition of cutting down on land, Zinke went ahead and suggested the construction of three more monuments.
Patagonia has also filed a lawsuit against President Trump and Zinke, and is challenging the reduction in the Bears Ears. Patagonia claims to be “the activist company.”