
Republicans Split: Should He Stay, Or Should He Go

The most controversial man in DC?

The Republican Party is split on the fate they would like to see for Special Counsel, Robert Mueller, and even Deputy Attorney General, Rod Rosenstein. Some Republicans are even trying to pass legislation that would make it illegal for Trump to fire Mueller at all.

Introduced week, the legislation would limit President Donald Trump’s power to dismiss the special counsel.

As per this new legislation, only a high-ranking Department Of Justice official can dismiss Mueller.

Officially, only Tillis and Graham have signed the legislation. However, a number of other senators have indicated their support for the legislation, although they don’t believe that such a law limiting executive power would hold up in Constitutional court.

“I can support it as sending a message but I think that there are constitutional problems with it and I can’t imagine the President signing it,” said Senator Susan Collins.

Senator Lisa Murkowski told reporters, “it’s certainly something I would be looking at, yeah.” And one of Trump’s Senate enemies, Bob Corker, announced, “If there’s appropriate legislation, I would certainly sign on to it.”

The legislation was submitted to the Judiciary Committee, where it must get past Senator Chuck Grassley, in order to advance further. But, even then, there are doubts that such a measure would be able to get the 60 votes needed for passage.

“I think it’s kind of like taunting the President,” Senator Mike Rounds said, “and I don’t believe we need that at this time.”

A few lawmakers are also advising President Trump against firing Rod Rosenstein, the man that appointed Mueller to the job.

“The consequences if he were to fire Rosenstein in order to find someone who would fire Robert Mueller would be catastrophic,” stated Collins while further adding that regardless of President’s “intemperate tweets” she does not believe Trump will fire Mueller.

President Donald Trump has supposedly been seething ever since the Federal Bureau of Investigation on Monday raided the office, hotel room and residence of Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer.

The raid occurred due to a recommendation from Mueller’s team. Rosenstein had personally concluded on it.

President Donald Trump composed himself as seen on Thursday in his tweets. He tweeted that he has “historically cooperative, disciplined approach that we have engaged in with Robert Mueller (Unlike the Clintons!)”


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