
Popularity Of Graham-Cassidy Healthcare Bill Falters

It's Now or Never... and it looks like the American people have chosen "Never"...

A poll conducted among 1,202 participants showed that 52% of the Americans disapprove of the GOP’s latest effort at repealing the ObamaCare program, the Graham-Cassidy Bill. Only 20% of respondents approved of the new bill.

The GOP’s latest attempt at repealing and replacing Obamacre, sponsored by Senators Bill Cassidy and Lindsay Graham is facing an uphill battle in the court of public opinion. Even among republicans, the bill only attained a 46% approval rating.

Among the poll’s other findings, was the shocking ignorance of democratic voters, with only 38% believing that the Obamacare exchanges are at imminent risk of collapsing entirely. However, 62% of Republicans are aware of the dire status of the Obamacare healthcare system.

The poll noted, “This month’s findings indicate that most Americans think the ACA marketplaces are facing significant issues and while they favor Congress taking actions to stabilize the marketplaces, they are not confident that President Trump and Congress will be able to work together to make improvements to the marketplaces.”

The report went on to say, “while the overall favorability [of ObamaCare] has increased gradually over the past year, this month finds a decrease in favorability since last month (down six%age points from 52% in August) and a return to a divided public that characterizes most of the last seven years.”

The poll also asked participants of their opinion of Bernie Sander’s socialized healthcare plan, called “Medicare For All.” Opinions fell across a strictly partisan divide with 70% of democrats favoring the openly socialist healthcare plan, and %72 of republicans opposing it.

Among those who approved of Bernie’s single payer, socialized healthcare plan, 21% think it will improve access. While 13% believe that it would lower the overall cost of the Health care. Of those opposing the single payer, 28% say that they do not want the government to get involved in their health care and another 18% say that it would decrease their choices, eventually forcing it upon them.

The poll in question was conducted on September 21st till 24th and has a margin of error of 3%.


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