
Polls Say Republicans Turning On Trump: Are They Fake News?

Unlike this helicopter, his approval rating is not going up...

President Trump took to Twitter Monday to brag about the strength of his base of support but recent polls cast serious doubt on that claim.

Trump celebrated his 200th day in the White House by saying, “The Trump base is far bigger & stronger than ever before (despite some phony Fake News polling).”

For evidence, he cited huge crowds at the rallies in states including Pennsylvania and Ohio, the polls however tell a different story, one that depicts the signs of erosion at the base camp.

However, Monday evening brought a new CNN poll which marked Trump’s approval rating at a low of 38%, and that, among Republicans, his approval slid from 73% to 59% – all between February and August.

A similar poll produced by Quinnipiac University pegged Trump’s job approval at just 33%.

The president’s popularity with non-college educated white has also fallen to 43%, with an amazing 50% of this key demographic disapproving of Trump’s job so far.

That same Quinnipiac Poll showed a similar trend as the CNN poll. Where there is an increasing number of Republicans disapproving of Trump’s tenure so far. As per Republicans, job approval now sits at  76% compared to the previous 84% in June.

Tim Malloy, assistant director for the university poll said, “it’s hard to pick what is the most alarming number in the troubling trail of new lows for President Donald Trump.”

The reasons are many, the failure of removal of ObamaCare, deepening allegations of Trumps involvement with Russian collusion with Trump’s presidential campaign.

Even the Republican lawmakers are scrambling to distancing themselves from the President of their own party. Just recently, congressional Republicans joined Democrats in passing a Russia sanctions bill before their August Recess, over and against loud and intense protestations from Trump.

In addition, Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) separately introduced legislation with Democratic colleagues that would make it more difficult for the president to fire special counsel Robert Mueller, who is leading the probe into Russian matters.

But there are still those who stood for Trump’s base and are questioning the accuracy in the polls conducted.

Mark Meckler, the president of Convention of States project, said, “I am in touch with a lot of the grassroots and I have seen precisely zero drop-off in support … Nobody is frustrated with the president, nobody is angry with the president.”

In his view, polls like these lead to a defensive instinct to rally around him all the more, even when the news agenda seems to be negative for Trump. He further added, “If anybody trusts the polls these days, they are just foolish … What people like me know is that if the polling shows the base falling away, the polls are false.”

Echoing Meckler, Republican pollster David Winston warned against placing too much trust on what the polls said now. Winston pointed out that it is normal for presidents to experience a fall in support in their first months in office. In Trump’s case, “this is a guy who got elected with 60 percent unfavorable, so his numbers were going to be inherently lower anyways.”

Do you know anyone who used to support Trump, but who has now abandoned the President? Do you believe these Polls?

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Are These Polls Fake News?


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