
Hillary tanking because of email scandal

They say all press is good press–unless you’re Hillary Clinton this week.

According to data provided by Facebook, likely Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton is getting a lot of attention on social media–but it’s getting increasingly negative, as more information about her email scandal continues to hit the news.

By analyzing specific keywords and symbols, Facebook has seen a steady drop in positive posts–down from 57% in January to 46% now, with a majority of new posts about Hillary Clinton being negative.

This number is reflected in tanking favorability polls. Hillary Clinton’s favorability has dropped from a peak of over 60% back in 2010, at the height of her tenure as Secretary of State.

It’s now fallen below 50%, with a pronounced downward trend in recent weeks. Worse, she might not have hit bottom yet, as criticism and scandals continue to mount.

Over the last week, Hillary Clinton has been dogged by claims that she exclusively used a personal email address, housed on a personal server, during her term as Secretary of State. Doing so would protect her emails from scrutiny under the Freedom of Information Act requests, but open up possible cyber-security issues.

Hillary has complied partially with a request from the State Department to turn over her emails–but, despite turning over more than 55,000 pages of documents, these records are incomplete. Worse, they were selected by Hillary’s aides and advisors, not an impartial third party, which means critical data about issues like Benghazi could be intentionally missing.

According to multiple people close to the Clintons, Hillary–who has kept mostly quiet about her emails during the last week–will call a press conference this week to address the scandal.


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