Fox Network host Trish Regan shut down Democratic strategist Pablo Manriquez over supporting violent anti-Trump tactics, and divisive rhetoric.
Trish Regan accused Manriguqez, saying, “[Liberals] have a play book. This is the agenda they’re trying to advance.”
She added, “You guys are taking it too far here — just simply too far. We as a nation have come so far and you’re bringing us right back into the dark ages with this kind of rhetoric.”
Regan brought up the comments made by Democrat and Missouri State Sen. Maria Chapelle-Nada calling for President Trump to be assassinated. “Can you believe that?” Regan said referring to Nadal’s remarks on social media.
Manriquez responded back arguing that he although he doesn’t support the rhetoric, he still believes that the White House should have condemned the KKK and Nazis only, instead of blaming “both sides” for the Charlottesville Disaster. Manriquez expressed that Trump is “spiraling out of control” and said he is “completely isolated” in his views.
“Pablo, you see what your party is doing. They’re saying, ‘Oh, one less white supremacist in the White House. You’re telling me you’ve got a bunch of white supremacists in the White House?! That is what the DNC is saying,” Regan expressed.
Manriquez insisted that the party is only trying to “rise” above Trump and trying to save the country from the “mess” we are in.
“By calling him a white supremacist?!” Regan fired back.
“No, by rising and organizing against white supremacy,” Manriquez argued and stated that this weekend would be “mess in this country” due to all the protesters.
“Because you are contributing to this Pablo!” Regan pointed out.
This isn’t the first time Regan had come to Trump’s aid. August of last year, Trish showed her support of Trump by calling out on mainstream media telling them to stop “completely writing off Donald Trump”
“It is August. You know we’ve got a long way to go until we hit November,” Regan said. “Here’s what you and I both know. In the political sphere anything can happen, but you wouldn’t know it by reading all the headlines right now or watching mainstream media on TV.”
After reading various headlines telegraphing Trump’s defeat, Regan asked, “Why is the mainstream media completely writing off Donald Trump?”
“Regardless of whether you are for or against Donald Trump, journalists might be getting a bit ahead of themselves – because think about it,” she continued, “time and time again, polls may say one thing one day and another the next.”
Reflecting upon this conversation, Ned Ryun, expressed that the liberals need to quit “identity politics” and “disavow Antifa.” He argued, “Hate is hate, violence is violence,” he said. “They wear black but they sure remind me of people who wore brown.”