
Did Hillary Just Apologize For Her Liberal Agenda?

Hillary Clinton sat down with some of the fine residents of West Virginia and got hit with a heartfelt question that made her apologize.

Sitting down at a table to discuss West Virginia issues with several people, a man asked Clinton about her agenda to close down coal companies and put coal miners out of work.

In the clip below, you can witness two amazing things. The first is that MSNBC actually did a story on Hillary getting asked hard questions on the campaign trail. That is amazing by itself.

But even more amazing is how Hillary tries to act like she cares, by saying that her remark were “totally out of context”. You can watch the clip. Hillary says that she isn’t the one ending the coal industry, but instead she is sorry that she “gave people the reason or excuse to be upset with me”.

It is clear that Hillary doesn’t really care about people—it’s all about the optics.

She even talked about how great she was at the end of the clip because she came to West Virginia in the first place.

Wow! You West Virginians are so lucky. Hillary kills one of your largest industries and then has the bravery to show up and discuss. Isn’t she wonderful?

West Virginia is a state that needs some help, it needs some new industry and Hillary’s plan to shut down the coal industry and then “bring new jobs” to West Virginia is a pipe dream. She is only going to accomplish half of that if she is president, and it won’t have anything to do with creating new jobs.


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