
China admits: they lied about coronavirus death count

China has quietly revised the total number of coronavirus deaths in Wuhan… raising the number a whopping 50%.

The death toll from Wuhan, where the coronavirus outbreak began, had been reported as 2,579. The revised toll is now 3,869.

China chalked the discrepancy up to a reporting error, claiming that they hadn’t been counting people turned away from overcrowded hospitals who later died at home.

China had previously been accused of dramatically lying about the severity of coronavirus–both during the height of the pandemic and about their death count.

Reports from several weeks ago showed that tens of thousands of urns were sent to Wuhan funeral homes. In addition, residents reported that the city’s crematoriums were running day and night–something that wouldn’t be remotely necessary with just a couple thousand deaths.

President Trump, on Friday afternoon, echoed that he doesn’t believe China’s statistics–both the old ones or the new numbers.

“China has just announced a doubling in the number of their deaths from the Invisible Enemy,” Trump tweeted. “It is far higher than that and far higher than the U.S., not even close!”


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