
Catholic School Takes Sides Against Pro-Life Students

As Catholic as the Pope...

As Pro-abortion and Planned Parenthood groups are beeing funded and pushed upon collegs and universities across the nation, school administors are being forced to take sides. Unfortunately, Fordham, a Catholic school in New York, has turned against it’s Catholic roots, and it’s pro-life students.

Pro-life groups have sent around a petition, that has gathered over 20,000 signatures from across the nation, demanding that Fordham, a private Catholic school, stop advertising pro-abortion positions on their website.

The petition in question was originated by an organization from the pro-life group called, the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property (TFP) where it asked, “How can a Catholic university encourage students to connect with Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion groups?”

“You might think it is just a list of links, but if we do not cut it now, this will leave an opening for more things, such as euthanasia, assisted suicide etc,” added Hdez, he also said “We need to defend the honor of the Church.”

TFP is a religious action group that has “formed to resist, in the realm of ideas, the liberal, socialist and communist trends of the times and proudly affirm the positive values of tradition, family and private property.”

The organizations that are listed on the webpage of the Women, Gender, And Sexuality Studies, may also include the open borders group Amnesty International, Girls Write Now, UN for Women, Women’s Media Center, Girls Educational and Mentoring Services, and GLAAD. All pro-abortion, pro-feminism, and pro-degeneracy organizations.

Bob Howe is the Communications Director at Fordham University, and has so far refused to remove pro-life club’s information from the school’s website. He explained, “Fordham University is fully committed to the teachings of the Catholic Church, including those on sexuality and the sanctity of life,” said Howe. “The University is also committed to academic freedom and the intellectual autonomy of its faculty in providing opportunities for students to discuss tough topics and learn from one another. While the University does not recommend nor support some of the organizations that sponsor the internships/employment opportunities listed by the Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies program, it does support the faculty’s right to list the opportunities on the program’s website.”

A campus feminist raged that the petition “is another instance of attempted control of female and/or trans and gender non-conforming bodies. It attempts to limit their political efficacy as well as their bodily autonomy. It is frankly absurd.”

Ryan Wolfe the executive board member for the Respect for Life, sides with the position saying, “People in the Fordham community are following the Jesuit Catholic tradition by promoting this petition to defend the inherent sanctity and right to life.”


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