Vocal right-wing activist, Ann Coulter, shared her disappointment with President Trump and his unfulfilled promises in a recent blog post. She even slammed Sean Hannity for purportedly not allowing her to speak up on his show.
Sean Hannity hosted Coulter on his show; however, the right wing firebrand has alleged that her remarks excoriating the presence of former Goldman Sachs employees in Trump’s administration were edited out of the show.
In response, Hannity took to Twitter and said that his show had ran out of time and they only cut out her remarks to keep the show succinct.
However, Coulter doesn’t seem to accept that explanation. She published another blog post on Wednesday. An excerpt reads:
“Sean Hannity, bless his heart,” she writes, “has the zeal of the late Trump convert. He would endorse communism if Trump decided to implement the policies of “The Communist Manifesto.” (Which the GOP’s health care bill actually does!)”
On his show last Thursday, he tried to get me to defend Trump’s “rich person” remarks about Cohn. I wish you could see the segment, but, unfortunately, Hannity decided no one would ever see it — NOT, I hasten to add, because he would ever censor criticism of Trump, but simply because he ran out of time.
In a pre-taped interview. It was a time problem. (It may not be evident to most viewers, but three minutes MUST be left at the end of every Hannity show for Nerf football throwing.)
Coulter also used the space to warn Trump of the grave consequences the influence of Wall Street bankers could have on the unshakeable support of his followers. She cited the views of a recent focus group of voters from Macomb County, Michigan.
However, one fact, and one fact only, shook their faith: when they were told that his Cabinet was “full of campaign donors, Goldman Sachs bankers (bailed out by the taxpayers) and people who use undocumented workers in their homes.”
Hearing that, these devoted Trump voters called him “two-faced,” a “puppet” and sadly remarked, “It’s going to be a lot of the same old garbage.”
Trump knows this. His guilty conscience propelled him to stray from his standard rally speech in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, last week, and go into what seemed like an endless soliloquy on his chief economic adviser, Goldman Sachs’ Gary Cohn. (Not to be confused with his Treasury Secretary, Goldman Sachs’ Steve Mnuchin, or his deputy national security adviser, Goldman Sachs’ Dina Powell. These are the people the media call the “grown-ups” in Trump’s administration.)
The Cedar Rapids crowd was thrilled to see Trump. They would have cheered his tie. They would have cheered the humidity. But his lengthy disquisition on Cohn? Crickets.
The president is yet to pitch in his views on the feud. He’s also being waited upon to talk about what most are calling too much influence of Wall Street in his administration.