
What Are Opponents Of The Election Integrity Investigation Scared Of?

For people that are so obsessed with "election integrity," the Left sure seems oppose to a simple investigation into that exact question...

Trump expresses his confidence in the voter fraud commission and states that they will continue to find the “full truth.”

President Trump met with the voter fraud commission this Wednesday and emphasized on the importance of the commission to fight the dangers of voter fraud.

“Every time voter fraud occurs, it cancels out the vote of a lawful citizen and undermines democracy,” Trump stated in his meeting. “Can’t let that happen. Any form of illegal or fraudulent voting, whether by noncitizens or the deceased, and any form of voter suppression or intimidation must be stopped,” he added.

The country is left with “no choice” but to investigate the election process in order to “make America great again.” He called out on stated that were refusing to hand over information of voters and argued that “If any state does not want to share this information, one has to wonder, what they are worried about?” And added, “there’s something, there always is.”

Last month Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach and vice chairman of the commission sent out a letter to all states requesting them to provide data such as Social Security numbers, party affiliations and voting records dating to ten years back, for each voter registered in each state. “It is crucial for the commission to consider your input as it collects data and identifies areas of opportunity to increase the integrity of our election systems,” Kobach wrote. However, the request was not well received by some of the states, as the state of Arizona and many other states refused to comply. Arizona Secretary of State Michele Reagan wrote back, “I share the concerns of many Arizona citizens that the Commission’s request implicates serious privacy concerns.”

“Since there is nothing in Executive Order 13799 (nor federal law) that gives the Commission authority to unilaterally acquire and disseminate such sensitive information, the Arizona Secretary of State’s Office is not in a position to fulfill your request,” she added.

Trump argued that the subject of voter fraud is something that is an “American issue” and that “We have to protect the integrity of the vote and our voters. This is not a Democrat or a Republican issue. It’s an American issue. It’s about the concern of so many Americans that improper voting has taken place and [is] cancelling out the votes of lawful American citizens,” Trump stated.

While, President Trump and his “election integrity” commission is looking into ways to better protect the ballot boxes and to protect the country from encountering voter fraud in the future, the Democrats argue back stating that Trump is only looking for proof to his claims that millions of votes very illegally casted in the 2016 presidential elections. They argued that although Trump won, but he did however lose popular vote his Democrat contestant Hillary Clinton.

Pence, who was also present in the meeting highlighted the bipatisian nature of the commission and stated, “This bipartisan group will perform a truly nonpartisan service to the American people.” he said.

“This commission has no preconceived notion or preordained results. We are fact finders,” he added.


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