Nancy Pelosi doesn’t know how to handle a Trump presidency, and is having a hard time making points using facts.
Last week she called Trump “president Bush” in a live press conference, but she took it one step further this week.
Pelosi used a fake tweet from a fictitious Michael Flynn Twitter account.
She did’t stop there. Using the fake account she said that the Michael Flynn resignation is turning into the next Water Gate.
Watch the video below to hear Mark Dice explain what really happened.
Dennis Miller thinks that Nancy Pelosi is “Bat Sh*t Crazy”.
She might be losing it, or she is directly lying to the American people.
She recently called Steve Bannon a “white supremacist” without any proof.
Just this month, Nancy Pelosi has shared fake news, called Bannon a “white supremacist” and doesn’t even know who is in the White House.
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