
Presidential Candidate Stabbed In Street While Campaigning

Being a politician aint' easy, it's not all kissing babies and shaking hands!

While campaigning in the streets of Brazil, far-right presidential candidate was stabbed and rushed to the hospital.

Jair Bolsonaro is a Congressman in Brazil and one of the presidential front-runners, was stabbed in the abdomen on Thursday.

The attack cam on the streets of Brazil during a campaign rally, and police say they have a suspect in custody.


One report said that the candidate was wearing a bulletproof vest, but the stab wound was just below the protected area. The would was deep and injured Bolsonaro’s liver, lung and intestines and had to be admitted for emergency surgery.

Thankfully, Bolsonaro had a successful surgery and is recovering in the Santa Casa de Misericordia Hospital. It is likely he will spend at least a week in the hospital.


The Daily Mail is reporting the attacker claims he is a “socialist” and on a “mission from God.” The alleged socialist has successfully wounded the far-right candidate and slowed Bolsonaro’s incredible momentum


Violence is rampant in Brazil with the country having one of the highest murder rates in the world.

The first round of elections start on October 7th, and it is unclear if Bolsonaro will be able to win now that he has to spend crucial weeks recovering. Check back for more updates as this story progresses.

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