
James O’Keefe Announces His Next Target

James O’Keefe and his team at Project Veritas exposed a plot by progressives to sabotage the Deploraball earlier this week.

Inside, the Deploraball went off without a hitch. Speakers like Sheriff Clarke got the crowd going but it was James O’Keefe that made the biggest announcement.

James stood on stage and thanked the audience for believing in Project Veritas. He promised that “we are just getting started”, but it didn’t end there.

“Everyone’s saying who are you going after next? I’ll tell you right now, and I’ll make it public. I’m going after the media next.”

James has helped bring down ACORN with a video camera and a fake pimp costume.

This past year, his organization exposed Hillary Clinton, the DNC and several radical alt-left groups that instigated violence at Trump rallies.

How is James going to go after the media?

“We have your name, we have your number and we are imbedded in your institutions. We are inside the newsrooms, and that is going to be our next target!”

The crowd reacted with cheers, but right now CNN, MSNBC and FOX are all second guessing everyone in their newsrooms.

Outside the Deploraball were protests, but nothing like the numbers that were expected. Partially due to Project Veritas exposing the plans to drop stinkbombs during the event.

Thankfully the event went off without any issues inside and everyone was safe.

The best news of the night is that James O’Keefe has a new target and we can’t wait to see what he exposes next.

Are you a fan of the work that James O’Keefe does? Let us know what you think about Project Veritas going after the media in the comments below.


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