
INSANITY: Colleges Now Offering “Zombie Studies”

The zombie-like behavior of college kids already makes them hard enough to distinguish from the real thing!

The Young Americans Foundation (YAF) just released their report “Comedy & Tragedy Survey” of higher education, detailing the mind-blowing levels of absurdity on today’s college campuses. They found numerous courses teaching impressionable students about Social Justice, feminism – and also zombies.

Having gone through the course offerings of more than top 50 schools, the Young America’s Foundation to its surprise found that the politics of correct identity has caused the creation of various courses, which are “comical in their titles and descriptions.”

Within YAF’s report, was a class offered by DePaul University – “Zombies: Modern Myths, Race, And Capitalism.” In this class, it seems by the description, students will watch zombie horror movies and learn to interpret them through the lenses of race grievance, gender grievance, and other neo-Marxist lenses. But the zombie virus isn’t the only thing spreading around college campuses these days.

YAF reports that Social Justice has, in a way, ‘infected’ the courses at nearly all the top universities. The results are as strange as they could be, with special religious classes teaching ‘Queering God’, and economics lessons on how capitalism is racist. The report notes, “Beyond the inane topics, these classes advance a liberal agenda, malign conservatives, and shut out ideological diversity,” wrote YAF.

YAF in its report goes on to write that the queer, feminist, and trans readings of Bible and the God are flourishing in the department of religion in Harvard University, Mississippi University, Carleton College and Swarthmore College. In its class description of ‘Queering Religion’, the Poona College states that “religion is often queerer than one might imagine,” and that the course invites the student to “defy the usual assumption that religions insist on binary gender divisions and hetero-patriarchal kinship models.”

Similar to this more topics on the ‘queering treatment’ include the colonialism at the Washington and Lee University, Middlebury is adamant to make food queer, whereas, Michigan University teaches “heterosexual white, rural, working-class, southern, and Midwestern people.”

Furthermore at Williams College, “Racial Capitalism” is being taught to the students. Similarly, the Amherst College teaches its students the “unconventional history of capitalism” where they get to know about “our present day reality of deeply rooted, and racialized, economic inequality.”

The report by YAF clearly identified the strong link between animating the curriculum to be the intersectionality of the world we live in today, some of the schools are already coming up and looking for newer ideas for the next divisive and absurd identity debate. The Middleburg College’s “Beyond Intersectionality,” and the course’s considerations on the “limits of the original theory” and is finding more ways of “developing anti-racist and anti-capitalist feminisms.” The class will teach students how “female-identifying subjects position themselves (and their bodies) rhetorically in a male-dominated society.”

As per an estimate by the College Fix, almost 100 different American Universities and colleges offer a minor or a major program in the ‘social justice’, while the trend of such subjects is gaining more popularity.

Just a friendly reminder – your taxpayer dollars (through government student loans) are directly supporting the spread of this insanity.


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