
Hillary Loses Sanity During Yale Graduation Speech

Orange is the new black...

Hillary Clinton’s speech at Yale University’s graduation this weekend didn’t go as planned… when the former Secretary of State went on multiple bizarre, anti-Trump rants.

Rather than simply deliver platitudes about the future, Hillary used her graduation speech to uncomfortably complain about the results of the 2016 election, which she decisively lost to President Donald Trump.

“Now, I see looking out at you that you are following the tradition of over-the-top-hats,” Clinton said, referencing a Yale tradition of wearing outlandish hats. “So I brought a hat, too. A Russian hat.”

She proceeded to take out a Russian fur cap, embroidered with a Soviet hammer-and-sickle emblem. “If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em,” she said.

In addition to her unsubtle joke about Russian interference in the election, Hillary also made an awkward joke about losing the Rust Belt to President Trump: “I am thrilled for all of you — even the three of you who live in Michigan and didn’t request your absentee ballots in time,” she said.

Clinton repeatedly rehashed the topic of the 2016 election, finally fuming to graduates, “I’m still not over it.”

Over the past two years, Clinton has indeed showed that she’s “still not over it.” She has booked speaking engagement worldwide where she continues to rehash the results of the 2016 presidential election.

At times, she alternatively blamed Russia, former FBI Director James Comey, racism, and sexism–and even pointed a finger at Trump-supporting women, whom Clinton claimed were being manipulated by their husbands.

As her Yale speech shows, she’s still fixated on blaming other people for her loss… and still willing to make some kids’ graduation all about herself.


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