
Heartwarming Story Of Homeless Man Turns Out To Be Fake

It's a hoax?

Late last year, Kate McClure ran out of gas and was offered $20 by a homeless man to fill her tank and get home safe. The woman and her husband started a GoFundme account that raised over $400,000 for the man. The story went viral and warmed hearts all over the country, but then things started to get weird.

In September the couple sat down with Megyn Kelly after it was revealed that the couple might have spent a lot of the money and the homeless man wasn’t getting all of it. They denied it.

It turns out, that the entire thing could have been one big scam to get free money from donations.

Mark, Kate and the “homeless man”, Jonny Bobbitt are all facing charges including conspiracy and theft by deception according to NBC 10 in Philadelphia.

Originally, it was such a nice story. Here is the story that broke about a year ago. At the time it was very heartwarming.

A year later, the heartwarming story has turned out to be a total fake.

Next time you donate to a heartwarming story, make sure they are telling the truth.

Did you donate to the homeless man? How do you feel? Let us know in the comments below.


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