
Baby Name “Melania” Explodes In Popularity

Much better name than 'Michelle"... if you catch my drift.

According to the Social Security Administration, “Melania” was one of the fastest-growing names for baby girls in 2017.

The name, famously held by First Lady Melania Trump, shot up a whopping 720 spots on the SSA’s annual baby name list between 2016 and 2017. In 2016, Melania was the 1,650th most popular name for newborn girls. In 2017, it was the 930th most popular name.

The explosive growth in popularity meant “Melania” was the fifth fastest-growing name for baby girls in 2017.

Like many First Ladies, Mrs. Trump is the most popular member of the Trump family. According to a new CNN poll, 57 percent of Americans approve of the job she’s doing–up a whopping 10 points from the same poll in January.

However, despite the fact that newborn girls nationwide will share the First Lady’s name, even Mrs. Trump wasn’t technically born with the name “Melania.”

Mrs. Trump, who was born in Slovenia in 1970, was actually named Melanija–which she simplified to Melania when she began working as a model.

However, the rising popularity of Mrs. Trump’s first name did not extend to other members of the Trump family.

Her husband and oldest stepson’s name “Donald” remains unchanged at number 488 between 2016 and 2017. “Tiffany,” the President’s youngest daughter, saw her name dip in popularity from 558 to 580 between 2016 and 2017, while the name of President’s middle son, “Eric” dropped one place from 142 to 143. “Ivanka” and “Barron” did not see their names crack the top 1000 in either year.


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