
Americans Overwhelmingly Approve of Trump’s Coronavirus Response

Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore

The American people overwhelmingly support President Trump for his Coronavirus response.

According to the latest ABC News/Ipsos poll, a whopping 55 percent of Americans approve of Trump’s handling of the crisis. 43 percent disapprove.

That’s a massive 23 point shift from where Trump’s poll numbers were just a week ago.

In the same poll last week, only 43 percent approved of Trump’s response, with 54 percent disapproving.

“Over the course of a week, the president has shifted his approach and tone, giving daily briefings on the crisis since Saturday, alongside the White House task force leading the response to the coronavirus and announcing some severe measures to combat the virus,” ABC News wrote.

“During the two days in which the poll was conducted, the president signed an economic relief bill to help combat the coronavirus, ensuring free testing and paid leave for certain workers, governors and local leaders across the country have imposed more stringent restrictions on travel and day-to-day movements, trading on Wall Street was halted again after the stock market continued to plunge and the number of confirmed cases of the coronavirus hiked to over 9,000 across all 50 states.”President Trump received some criticism over his early dismissals of the virus–but once the spread to the United States became clear, he’s received praise for leaping into action.

Right now, President Trump is weighing a variety of options to stabilize the economy and keep the American people safe–including a stimulus check that would be given to the American people, to help them continue to pay bills as the economic crisis continues.


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