
African-Americans Demand Action Over CNN’s Racist Anti-Kanye Segment

They said WHAT!?!

Prominent African-Americans are demanding CNN fire ‘CNN Tonight” host Don Lemon—after a racist segment about Kanye West.

Lemon, who is also black, referred to the notoriously pro-Trump rapper as “the token negro of the Trump administration.”

Lemon also accused President Trump of “using Kanye as a prop to win over black voters before the midterms.”

Commentator Bakari Sellers chimed in with his own jab at West, saying,“Anti-intellectualism simply isn’t cool. Kanye West is what happens when Negros don’t read.”

Top African-American leaders were shocked and appalled at the racist insults directed at West—and called for CNN to take action:

NFL legend Herschel West took to Twitter, writing: “Went to bed appalled over Don Lemon’s despicable behavior laughing at Tara Setmayer and Bakari Sellers’ awful remarks about Kanye West’s visit with [Trump]! Woke up wondering why CNN doesn’t take all three off the air?” Walker tweeted, adding the hashtag “#Shameful.”

And Turning Point USA’s Communications Director Candace Owens, who is a personal friend of West, also slammed the left: “Last night on CNN, Kanye West was called a ‘token negro’ and a ‘dumb negro,’” she wrote. “I want you guys to imagine if those words were EVER uttered on Fox News. CNN has finally committed to going full blown RACIST.”

She added, “They want their slaves back.”

CNN has not yet made a public statement or taken action on Lemon’s segment.


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