
A Third-Party Contender In 2016?

Voters who have grown sick and tired of the politics of the Democrats and the Republicans appear to not have much of an alternative in 2016.

Realistically, the only political party that will have the largest access to the ballot in 2016 is hurting for certain with their candidate pool.

The most notable candidates who have announced their candidacy are former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson and anti-virus creator, John McAfee.

Johnson won the party’s nomination in 2012 and received less than one percent of the popular vote with 1.2 million votes.

The former governor was on the ballot in 48 states.

Ten other candidates have chosen to throw their hat in the pro-liberty ring and it’s unlikely you have heard of any of them.

The candidates include:

Marc Allan Feldman from Ohio
Cecil Ince from Missouri
Steve Kerbel from Colorado
Darryl Perry from New Hampshire (Perry has not filed his candidacy with the Federal Election Commission out of protest)
Austin Petersen from Missouri
Derrick Michael Reid from California
Jack Robinson, Jr. from South Carolina
Rhett Smith from Texas
Shawna Joy Sterling from Kentucky
Joy Waymire from California

While unknown, the candidates above still provide entertainment for those who love to watch train wrecks.

Derrick Michael Reid, whose campaign slogan is a Trump-life, “Restoring Americana Greatness” features a photo of himself on his site, dressed in some bizarre Civil Warish garb, complete with a fake medal and American flag patch.

Candidate Darryl Perry may be a lonely guy as one of the top articles on his site is the post, “In support of sex workers [sic] rights.”

For Texan Rhett Smith, the candidate did put up a Web site, but forgot to add content. The only content beyond the menu reads, “Copyright 2015 Rhett Smith.”

Pipe smoking Californian, Joy Waymire, to her credit has an incredibly diverse set of credentials that include: ranch foreman, spiritual visionary, waitress, ballerina and help with tax preparation.

If you’re sick of the mainstream coverage on CNN and Fox, tune in to the obscure parts of the Internet to watch the antics in the race for the ballot line of the Libertarian Party.


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